Solitaire Time Social Time!
Solitaire Time hopes by now that you've fallen in love with the new layout and all the great new features! I mean, double click, whoa! Solitaire Time operates always for free and we rely on you, as our favorite solitaire users, to let your friends know about Solitaire Time and telling google that you love our site as well! We have a great Google +1 button on the top of the page where you can recommend Solitaire Time's games to all your gmail friends and to google. We really appreciate it when you +1 us!
You can also follow our Google Plus page where we will post only information about Solitaire Time, informing you of new features, new games, or just old games that we think you'll love! Find our Google Plus Solitaire Time Follow button below the thumbnails on all pages of the site! Join us today!
Also, we have a "Like" button for our facebook page Solitaire Games. This page will show you all of our solitaire games which include our seasonal solitaire games to keep you entertained all year long with exciting solitaire fun!
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DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.